Thursday, December 14, 2006 0 Engineers

Band: Transit (Revisited)

Here we are again, posting about Transit once more, as they recorded their new EP called "Broadleaves Vs Conifers". This is an awesome post-rock EP and I wonder why this band can't get an distribution label...

Transit are four Belgian post-rocking ornithologists, Jeroen (guitar), Toon (bass), Koen (drums) and Nick (guitar), with a passion for nature, emotions and all kinds of music. This is more or less the essence of Transit; more words about us would just be tiresome; so we just hope you enjoy our music as much as we enjoy playing it!

You can download their new EP here.

This is the first EP release and if you wish to purchase a physical copy of the EP please contact the band at for further instructions. Currently playing lives shows around Belgium, you can get a preview of the show with a video here.
Thursday, December 14, 2006 1 Engineers

Band: Time.Space.Repeat

We lived in the country for many years, learning to live from the land, by our own means, relying on a small and tight-knit community. The coast was nearby, and many was the evening the young people would gather at the top of the cliffs and just watch the waves roll in, and the stars twinkle in the night sky. In time, as we all grew older, thoughts turned to leaving this idyllic English version of paradise and seeing what the big wide world had to offer. Upon arrival in London, we found ourselves a small hotel, and checked in under the name of Time. Space. Repeat. a fictional band that had existed in our heads. If we were to make this new life in the city last, the one thing we all knew was that we'd need to make this fiction into fact and use music as a means of communicating our beautiful homeland to others.

Currently we have played one gig, at the Montague Arms in New Cross Gate which was very well received, though there weren't the floods of tears we had been naively expecting.
We have others planned, though October is being devoted to reading up on modern life. Included in this bundle are the some of the songs, hymns, chants and yelps that Sonic used to persuade his fellows to join him. We thought you might like to listen as well… Make of them what you will.

Our members are as follows:
Sonic James Doom
Rev. Sachin Patel
Ken Chu
Ania Borsuk
Sometimes we are joined by a local friend of ours, Ms JK.

Download "Early Transmissions" for free.
Once again thanx to Lost Children :D
Thursday, December 14, 2006 0 Engineers

Band: Stellardrive

Formed during summer 2005 with a new line up during summer 2006, Stellardrive is an instrumental noisy post-rock band from France. Their first EP was recorded during December 2005 at "le Pavillon".

Here is their EP free for download.

Enjoy thanx to Lost Children!!! :)

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