Since their first show the Hope and the Failure have received some amazing word of mouth support from the Stockholm Indie/Hardcore scene. Having played with bands such as
Off Minor (ex-Saetia),
Devotion to Trust,
In Memory of Me, Gothenborg's
When We Fall and with shows scheduled with
Cursed in February 2005 (that were unfortunately cancelled due to a death in the Hope and the Failure family) - the Hope and the Failure have been trying to expose people to their unique style of hardcore.
Having been compared to Fear Before the March of Flames and City of Caterpillar as well as Interpol and Mono, the band blends musical genres seamlessly, making it hard to pin them into a corner. This has also helped to extend their fanbase to audiences that would not normally give music with a backbone in artsy hardcore a chance.
'The Lights Are On But This Dance Never Ends', the debut record from the Hope and the Failure was released in February 2005 by the band themselves. Recorded by Tommy Norin of In Memory of Me, who has recorded Daniel Loefgren, Suffocate For Fuck's Sake and A Fairytale of Goodbye/Promise Divine (among others), this 6 track record is good measurement of how much this band is capable of.
Lars Garvey was forced to leave Sweden due to the negligent and incapable hands of the Swedish Immigration authorities who had left him unemployed for 7 months despite constant calls and meetings. Eventually the debts piled up and the dreams died and Lars gave in and flew back to the US.
A post-humous recording is being planned by the band - with Ina, Chris and Magnus recording their parts in Sweden and Lars contributing his guitars and vocals while in the US.
The future of the band is undecided... no one wants to walk away, but the band has been through so much in such a short time, everything from fans telling them they were 'the most important Swedish band since the Refused' to the death of family members. Band members left, Lars moved back to the US... The only thing that has been decided among the band is that it will never be the same.
The Hope and the Failure features members of the Dead Hands , What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas, Devotion To Trust, Noriko Jeskova, Yamon Yamon and An Extended Tour Of Southern Cemeteries. They are also notorious members of the Lawnchair Family.

The Hope And The FailureAlbum:
The Lights Are On, But This Dance Never EndsLabel: Self Released
Year: 2005
03.I'm Really Glad He Didn't Say That Cause Freddie Mercury Is Fucking Dead
04.The Lights Are On
06.Prozac Hell
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