Thursday, May 31, 2012 0 Engineers

Band: Zhaoze

Band: Zhaoze
Album: 滄浪星 Cang Lang Xing
Label: Self Released
Year: 2010

01. 搖籃星 Cradle Star
02. 落木 Those Falling Into The Land
03. 飛天豬 Flying Pig
04. 打撈星星的少年 Fishing For The Stars
05. 聲聲急 Sheng Sheng Ji
06. 過客 Passer-by
07. 滄浪誰與遊 Cang Lang Shui Yu You

Band: Zhaoze
Album: 1911
Label: Self Released
Year: 2011

01. 1911第一回 1st mov.
02. 1911第二回 2nd mov.
03. 1911第三回 3rd mov.
04. 1911第四回 4th mov.

Zhaoze is a well-known indie band from China. Their music is regarded as electronic and psychedelic, combined with progressive rock, post rock, and avant-garde electronic music to produce detail, touching, passionate, and boundless tension in the everlasting sadness. With their profound lyrics, Zhaoze provides us a dark and beautiful poetic world.

Unique live performance is also a trademark from Zhaoze. Apart from drums, guitar, bass, and keyboard, Guqin—one of the most traditional music instrument in China, hand sonic, sampler and effects are used in gig frequently. These additions not only bring innovation to the live environment, but also provide the band greater freedom to create.

The name of “Zhaoze” is an analogy of human’s nearby nature until the home of the spirit —- our innermost secret. Both of them are similar in some ways: fed up yet attached to; fixed yet mobile; ruined yet vital. This could be the best explanation to Zhaoze’s music.

Thursday, May 31, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Guidelines - S/T

Band: Guidelines
Album: S/T EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. I
02. II
03. III
04. IV

Guidelines is a screamo band from New Jersey, consisting of: Jordi, Aidan, Nick, Ian & Ross.

Thursday, May 31, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: God's Own Prototype - Fall Apart, Every Time You Feel Like​.​.​.

Band: God's Own Prototype
Album: Fall Apart, Every Time You Feel Like​.​.​. EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Sagittarius
02. Reframing
03. Last Procession
04. Displace/Transpose
05. Effluence
06. Threatened Resonance

God's Own Prototype is a four piece post-rock/metal band from 3city(Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot), Poland. Since they met in 2010, they’ve been combining atmospheric sound and guitar noise, creating a unique combination of ambient and melody rooted in rock and metal. In April 2012 they released their debut EP album “Fall Apart, Every Time You Feel Like…”, which is fully available online.   

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Caves Of Steel - Troposphere/Magnetosphere

Band: Caves Of Steel
Album: Troposphere/Magnetosphere
Label: Tinnitus Vertigo Records
Year: 2012

01. Last Citizen Of The USSR
02. Lisa Nowak Love Story
03. Venera
04. Gemini XII
05. Honey Trap

Caves Of Steel is an instrumental post-rock quartet that reside in a musical landscape shared and inspired by bands such as Mogwai, Red Sparowes, Explosions In The Sky, Caspian and God Is An Astronaut.

The band is based in Oslo, but its members originate from all corners of Norway. Former bands that members have played in have spanned across a variety of genres, ranging from hardcore and indie rock to electronica.

The latest EP entitled ‘Troposphere / Magnetosphere’ was released digitally 16.01.2012 on Tinnitus Vertigo Records.

"Operating with lush textures colored with shades of melancholy as their main framework, Caves Of Steel nonetheless make their music varied, drawing on elements from different indie and underground genres. Thus, 'Last Citizen of the USSR' features the heavy edge of post-metal, while 'Lisa Nowak Love Story' has a slight touch of electronica. 'Venera' and 'Gemini XII', which are probably my favorites on this EP, are quite different from each other, capturing the diversity of the album quite well. 'Venera' is a quite melodic affair, which is also characterized by almost the same sort of psychedelia associated with 70s rock (except, thankfully, Caves Of Steel's version of rock psychedelia is less dense), while 'Gemini XII' is uptempo and has a drive not unlike that of very early U2. 'Honey Trap' take us back to 70s rock territory, combining this with a hard rock sensibility, and adding a denser psychedelic feel.

Expressive and progressive, Troposphere/Magnetosphere belongs to the category of post-rock that I tend to enjoy the most, because Caves Of Steel not only focus on atmosphere, but also aim at having some substance in their music. And, most important of all, Caves Of Steel retain the spirit of rock throughout the album.

Fans of modern progressive rock and experimental instrumental music should definitely check out this EP, which is also likely to appeal to fans of indie rock, alternative rock and post-rock. " -

*Thanx to Peter from Caves Of Steel for contacting me.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Gates - You Are All You Have Left To Fear

Band: Gates
Album: You Are All You Have Left To Fear EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. They See Only Shadows
02. Like This You Mean
03. Cast In The Pattern
04. To Those Who Fell...
05. ...And To Those Who Carry On
06. The Sound Of Letting Go

Gates is an post/indie rock band from New Brunswick, New Jersey. The band includes former members of Lydia and Bears & Bright Lights. Their debut EP, The Sun Will Rise and Lead Me Home, was released on January 25th, 2011.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012 0 Engineers

Album: Black Clouds - Everything Is Not Going To Be OK

Band: Black Clouds
Album: Everything Is Not Going To Be OK
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Telluric
02. The Lodge
03. Pantheons (It's Not As If We Mattered, Part 1)
04. Parallels (It's Not As If We Mattered, Part 2)
05. Divide (It's Not As If We Mattered, Part 3)
06. In The Ether
07. Barcelona
08. The Life of Theodore Donald Kerabatsos
09. Santorum Sunday School

The debut release from Black Clouds. Dark, ambient, and crushing. Loud, massive bum-out. Everything is not going to be OK.

Justin Horenstein  - guitars, keyboards
Jimmy Rhodes - drums
Ross Hurt - bass

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 0 Engineers

Album: EUS, Postdrome & Saåad - Sustained Layers

Band: EUS, Postdrome & Saåad
Album: Sustained Layers
Year: 2012

01. Arrows Of Night
02. 3PM
03. Drone Me Tender
04. Limbo
05. Inner Cold
06. 3AM
07. Destruction
08. Dawn (feat. Metal Alvin)

From September to December 2011, EUS (Costa Rica), Postdrome (UK), and Saåad (France) came together to explore their shared visions of drone and ambient music. The result is Sustained Layers, a 44 min introspective work formed by carefully assembled layers of drones, field recordings and blurred melodies. This collaboration was made possible by the constant experimentation and improvisation that took place throughout recordings, and distance becomes a key part of the record as the time zones separating the artists shaped the progression of the album entirely.



Tuesday, May 29, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: If Anything Happens To The Cat - If Anything Happens To The Cat

Band: If Anything Happens To The Cat
Album: If Anything Happens To The Cat EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Jessamine
02. Mao's Secret Palace
03. St. Cecilia
04. The Gentle Art Of Saying No
05. Eyes Closed, Stay Quiet

If Anything Happens To The Cat is an indie post-rock band based in Ghent, Belgium. Combining lots of passion with a big DIY attitude and influenced by bands in all kinds of music genres, they create the music they feel at heart. The rule is simple: everything is possible. Since their first show in spring 2011, the band has played several shows in Belgium and the Netherlands and shared the stage with Maybeshewill, LITE, Immanu El, Our Ceasing Voice and Wild Dogs in Winter, amongst others.

Buy send an email to
Tuesday, May 29, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Meanders - Promo 2012

Band: Meanders
Album: Promo 2012 EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Ascension
02. Mourners (Amongst Waves)
03. Sirens

Meanders was formed in 2011, in London UK. They play a mixture of post/experimental/doom metal and they just released their first demo, which was mixed and mastered by MZ Via 322 Studios Italy or Locus Mortis, Urna fame. Their influences are Mogwai, Maudlin of the Well, Neurosis, Anathema, Isis and Alcest.

Monday, May 28, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Echoes - With An Eye On The Shoreline And A Hand To The Sea

Band: Echoes
Album: With An Eye On The Shoreline And A Hand To The Sea EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Leaving None Behind
02. Rivers
03. Safe It Seems

Formed in 2010, Echoes are a post-hardcore band from Winchester, UK. Taking influences from bands and artists such as This Will Destroy You, Rinoa, Devil Sold His Soul and Hans Zimmer, Echoes have created their own sound, and plan to release their new album in 2012.

Official Site
Saturday, May 26, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Night Verses - Out Of The Sky

Band: Night Verses
Album: Out Of The Sky EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. From The Shadows Where I'm Low
02. To The Ends Of The Earth
03. Be Happy With Yourself, I'm Staying Here In Hell
04. I've Lost My Way Back Down

Taking a patient seven year run to perfect the instrumental aspects of the band, the arrival of The Sleeping’s Douglas into the scene with Night Verses came at just the right time for the music world. Their debut EP, Out Of The Sky, now available for free on the Night Verses’ website, is a testament to instrumental greatness, perfectly accented by the newfound vocalist.

The strikingly impressive production of the group’s EP, compliments of Kris Crummett (Alesana, Fear Before the March of Flames, Dead and Divine), is apparent from the first note to the last.

Opening the EP with an industrial feel, From the Shadows Where I’m Low, makes its way through a dynamic series of sounds in its five minute existence. Guitar that alternate between lilting but complex sounding and intensely urging as well as a heavy bass and drum presence are just a few of the benchnotes that claim the heart of the band’s sound. The right amount of vocal presence is peppered on the piece, keeping screams to a relative minimum in comparison to the intense, shouting vocals in the track.

In To Ends of the Earth, we hear a bit of intro guitar that catches the same unique sense and sensibility of that which is characteristic of The Fall of Troy. Upon listening to the largely instrumental sections of the piece, one cannot doubt the amount of time the group spent honing their instrumental sound.

The curious, chiming intro of Be Happy With Yourself, I’m Staying Here In Hell, evokes a sense of Karnivool’s Sound Awake album. The clever mix of vox vocals and impassioned, drawing singing are the piéce de résistance as they are enveloped in the trilling and urging sounds of the combined instrumental effort in the track. The track is very “classic” per se in its essence, but the peculiarly delightful, ringing finisher for the piece makes it make waves against the tide.

Bringing back a heavier, industrial edge to the intro of the closing track, I’ve Lost My Way Back Down lends itself to a different facet of the human span of emotions, good ‘ol lost love. “I feel so lost without your love”, they repeatedly deliver, calling to the sympathies of the ever elusive anonymous lost lover. The seething aspect of the track, mixing rage with sorrow, and the rapid snare hits give the piece a true touch that might otherwise be lost without it.

Needless to say, you won’t be losing out on anything if you check these guys out. The clear production and purpose, clever blend of sounds and moods, and all out, clear cut focus on the instrumental aspects of music make the Out Of The Sky EP well worth the listen. Not to mention, it appears that Night Verses made the right decision in holding out for the key vocalist to deliver what they felt was best for the band. -

Saturday, May 26, 2012 0 Engineers

Single: The Mountaineering Club - Mallory

Band: The Mountaineering Club
Album: Mallory (Single)
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Mallory
02. Mallory (The Echelon Effect Remix)
03. Mallory (B D Crujd Remix)
04. Mallory (The Eternal Twilight Remix)

The Mountaineering Club (TMC) is a collective based in Cambridge, Bristol, London and Oxford. Formed in the Spring of 2010, they create music that is best described as widescreen. By mixing the epic sounds of post-rock and dreampop with the soundscapes of ambient music and electronica they create a sound that is both fragile and huge.

Official Site

Thursday, May 24, 2012 2 Engineers

Band: The Clouds Are Ghosts

Band: The Clouds Are Ghosts
Album: The Clouds Are Ghosts
Label: Self Released
Year: 2009

01. Change
02. Atomic Daydream
03. We Are Not Alone
04. Fields
05. Echo
06. Insomnia
07. Vampires
08. Orbiting
09. Underwater Level
10. Learning

Band: The Clouds Are Ghosts
Album: Harbinger EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2011

01. The Welcoming
02. Beacon
03. Hurricane
04. Impact
05. Canvas

The Clouds Are Ghosts is an Austin, Texas-based “Melodramatic popular song / electroacoustic/ ambient” band formed in Austin, Texas during 2008, composed of:

Jason Morris, (vocals, synths, acoustic guitar), Jason Flitcraft (vocals, violin,synths,guitar), Erin Fillingame (piano, organ, clavicle), Steven Paul (guitar,synths, programming), Kevin Butler (drums, engineering, production)

Influenced by Radiohead, Depeche Mode and Gorillaz — with a little Blonde, Redhead and Björk thrown in for good measure, every song is a masterpiece of harmonic orchestration with intensely emotional vocals designed to frighten people into feeling empowered and hopeful.

Official Site
Thursday, May 24, 2012 0 Engineers

Video: Sleep Dealer - Nozomi (Hope)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Taste The Void - Sun's Heat

Band: Taste The Void
Album: Sun's Heat EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Monolith
02. With Grace
03. Sun's Heat
04. Between Walls
05. Disruption
Stream / Buy (0.40€)

A post metal/hardcore 4-piece from Nantes, France.

Valentin Lurthy - Guitar/Vocals, Aristide H.Prévert - Guitar, Marco Agnan - Bass, Aloïs Masson - Drums

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 0 Engineers

Video: Sky Architects - We Will Never Forget This

Wednesday, May 23, 2012 0 Engineers

Album: Ninth Moon Black - Chronophage

Band: Ninth Moon Black
Album: Chronophage
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Renascentia
02. Via Dolorosa
03. Bestia Devorat Tempus
04. Mors Carnis
05. Animus Lumino
06. Numeratio

Ninth Moon Black is an instrumental band from the Pacific Northwest. Conjuring musical influences from the realms of psychedelic, ambient and post metal, Ninth Moon Black aims to create an experience for the listener. Since the release of their 2008 self titled debut, Ninth Moon Black has shared the stage with bands such as Middian, Indian, Earth, Brothers of The Sonic Cloth, Wolves In The Throne Room and Minsk. 

"This album is dedicated to Nate Lenzi and Hans Fuson, for whom the veil has been lifted and breath has become eternal. Your memories forever illuminate this dark earthly tomb..." - Ninth Moon Black

Monday, May 21, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Co-Pilot - The Course Of Empire

Band: Co-Pilot
Album: The Course Of Empire EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2010

01. Breathe Together
02. Sunlight Breaks Through
03. Land Empires
04. Broken Shield
05. Only Myths Will Remain

"I can’t say whether it’s the song/album titles or the fact that I’ve been reading far too much about the battle of Thermopylae lately, but when I listen to Co-Pilot’s The Course of Empire, I find myself consistently thinking about war — about some long-ago clash between two rival armies, two massive groups of warriors clashing on a battlefield somewhere in the woods in the dead of winter.

I know that sounds crazy, especially given that the Houston/Austin instrumentalists have generally been known in the past for lush, heavenward soundscapes that owe a lot more to My Bloody Valentine, Explosions in the Sky, space exploration, and the Northern Lights (the natural phenomena, mind you, not a band) than they do, say, The Lord of the Rings. But believe me when I say that this time around, Co-Pilot are a very different band; they’re still atmospheric as all hell, still all-instrumental, and still jaw-droppingly beautiful (when they need to be), but now they’re fucking heavy, on top of all the rest.

The five-song EP starts off somewhat like I’d expected it would with “Breathe Together,” which sees an awesomely deep, almost Low-like melody from bassist Brandon Lemons serving as the foundation for the song while those trademark skyward-aimed guitars come soaring through overhead. Guitarists Derek Lemons and Mike Byers crank up the volume close to the song’s end, with drummer Brandon Zavala gradually building to an awesome crescendo, but throughout, it still sounds relatively familiar, the same beautiful, grand-sounding spacerock the band’s made all along. If there were vocals, there’d be parts of the song (and others on here, to boot) that would sound a heck of a lot like Texas emo icons Mineral and follow-on project The Gloria Record; those outfits possessed the same delicate, meditative grace that Co-Pilot displays here in spades.

From there, “Sunlight Breaks Through” segues in so smoothly that you’d be forgiven for not realizing the CD had moved on to another track. The chiming, quiet guitars tick-tock back and forth, like Seam minus the distortion, and the deliberate, somber-yet-warm movement of the music makes me think of following a path through the woods to some far-off destination, in the dark with no one else around, when suddenly there’s a break in the trees up ahead, light spilling down onto the forest floor below.

Third track “Land Empires” begins with minimal, wintry piano and delicately plucked guitar, a section that sounds less like spacerock than, say, an Eisley song. That feeling doesn’t even really change when the “real” guitars come in, either; the track is tense but beautiful and understated, even then. It’s not ’til near the halfway that everything breaks loose — that’s when the band throws off its disguise and kicks on the distortion pedal, stepping up and into awesomely massive, doom-y, atmospheric metal a la Pelican or Red Sparowes.

That’s also about where my jaw drops, and it pretty much stays there all the way to the end of closing track “Only Myths Will Remain.” After the initial setup, “Land Empires” is martial, in-your-face (yet still high-flying) instro-metal; it’s like a whole different band’s taken over, one that drinks less at the altar of MBV, Spiritualized, or The Secret Machines and more at that of ISIS or Russian Circles. The song sounds, to me, like an army on the march, slowly but methodically, to some place where they’ll finally confront their enemies.

If that’s the case, “Broken Shield” is the actual conflict. It begins cautiously, quietly, but with a serious, almost desperate intenseness to it that seems to say that there’s something coming, and then the stomping drums come marching in, followed by amps-on-fire walls of guitar roar punctuated by poignantly beautiful little melody lines. It’s crashing, thundering stuff that makes you want to bang your head along in time — the ending of the track is very nearly thrash, for crying out loud — but it’s also still lush and majestic. There’re even some flat-out nods to myth-metal heroes like The Sword, Mastodon, or even Maiden and Sabbath. When the song ends, you feel like you’ve witnessed something epic, even though you haven’t seen a thing or heard a word.

Closer “Only Myths Will Remain” goes back somewhat to that Mineral/Gloria Record-esque sound I’d mentioned earlier, all low-key strings, distant feedback, and reined-in drums, and even when it gets louder and heavier, it’s less confrontational than the previous couple of tracks. There’s an melancholy, elegaic feel to it, but at the same time, it’s a hopeful track, like the sound of the sun rising when you thought it might not ever make an appearance again. It’s time to take a breath, pick yourself up, and move on.

At the EP’s end, I’m left feeling like I’ve just watched a movie unfold up on the big screen, some appropriately epic-yet-serious story of struggle and glory and whatever else. And I immediately want to see/hear it all again. My hat’s off to any band who can pull off that feat, much less in a mere five songs." - Jeremy Hart for

Sunday, May 20, 2012 0 Engineers

Album: Marché La Void - The Origin Of Non-Entity

Band: Marché La Void
Album: The Origin Of Non-Entity
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. In Shadows
02. Silent War
03. Display Of Power
04. As We Progress Marching
05. For A Moment, Silence
06. Serenity

Marché La Void (MLV), a band based in Jakarta, Indonesia, was started in 2003 by 3 long-time friends: Irwan, Wahyu, and Suryaputra. Hendra was the next member to join the band, followed by Gerrid and Dave. Later Hendra was replaced by Febri.

Since the day the band was founded, Marché La Void has been writing and performing their own songs. Many great artists influence the band in writing their music, which they described as down-tempo, psychedelic, and ambient. Some influences are more obvious than others, but all are influential nonetheless.

In April 2007, Marché La Void released its first EP, entitled Cacophonia. The 4 song EP was produced and distributed independently. As times goes by Marché La Void has been rearangging music style and focusing on their instrument skill hence digging their main roots in instrumental / experimental / post-rock genre.

We as a band feel the need to explore our instruments more as an individual force that driven our music to some sort of journey and emotional landscape without the use of vocal. - Marché La Void

Sunday, May 20, 2012 0 Engineers

Video: Modeselektor & Thom Yorke - This

Friday, May 18, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Aldo Raine - Welthass

Band: Aldo Raine
Album: Welthass EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Anchored
02. God Called Me To Be A Nun. I Became A Prostitute
03. Seppuku
04. Lord Cammy
05. Realeased

Aldo Raine are a 3 piece band from Mainz, Meppen and Osnabrück, Germany.

Friday, May 18, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Symmetry - This Is Not The End, It Is The Beginning, You Cannot Falter Now

Band: Symmetry
Album: This Is Not The End, It Is The Beginning, You Cannot Falter Now EP
Label: Iapetus Recordings
Year: 2006

01. I'm Your Hero, Not Your Friend
02. (You Are Now Witness To Parentheses In Action)
03. Everything You Did Was For A Reason
04. End Of

Symmetry were a 4-piece progressive metal band, based in Bristol & Reading, UK.
Clevery arranged vocal melodies have drawn comparisons to such contemporary acts as Tool and Earthtone9, whilst the underlying music is reminiscent of the epic riffs laid down by Pelican and Cult of Luna.

Signing to UK Label, Iapetus Recordings (The Ocean, Paul Marshall, Montana) in early 2006, their debut MCD ‘This is not the end. It is the beginning. You cannot falter now.’ was released to an excellent response from the press.

“Impressive, epic clout… an ambitious debut EP.” KKK - Kerrang
“A new breed of UK talent on show here.” 7 / 10 - Rock Sound
“A sterling debut effort.” 4 / 5 - Big Cheese
“This is special. Let Symmetry apprehend your ears for 20 minutes. You wont need persuading again.” 9 / 10 - Sound Devastation

Having gained a notorious respect for their energetic and crushing live performances, Symmetry embarked on their debut UK tour in July 2005 alongside fellow UK stunners, Bossk. The tour was sponsored by Rock Sound magazine.

The band recorded an exclusive track for Rock Sound magazine, titled ‘Let’s Just Wait And See What Happens, It May Not Be As Bad As You Think’. Showing an obvious progression from the MCD, the band have developed a darker sound and use of a mixture of aggressive and clean vocals to widen their musical spectrum.

Unfortunately the band split up in 2006.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012 0 Engineers

Album: Appollonia - Crimson Shades

Band: Appollonia
Album: Crimson Shades
Label: Maximum Douglas Records
Year: 2012

01. Porcelain Whales
02. Redeemer
03. The Crooked Monarch
04. Of Stillness And Space
05. Heirs And Assigns
06. Muninn
07. Sol 

With Crimson Shades, Appollonia doesn't just sign a simple third album. The frenchies put their music to a much higher level and complete at last the structure they started to build with their two previous albums. Way more epic, catchy and melodic than their other efforts, Crimson Shades will also crush you under the heaviest wall of sound the band ever created.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012 0 Engineers

Album: La Mar - La Mar

Band: La Mar
Album: La Mar
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Anchors
02. There Goes Life
03. Voyage
04. I Will
05. Under The Weather
06. Releash
07. Victory!
08. Mirage
09. Tides

La Mar is a post-metal band from Caracas, Venezuela. Formed in 2011 by Ángel Negrín (guitar), Pedro Deniz (guitar/synths), Fernando Mendoza (bass/melodica), and Fernando J. Rodriguez (drums).
The group has, so far, published a self titled studio album on May 13th 2012.

As the band’s main influences, Mastodon, Pink Floyd, This Will Destroy You, Explosions In The Sky, and Tool, stand out as the most remarkable.

Official Site
Monday, May 14, 2012 0 Engineers

Band: Selenites

Band: Selenites
Album: Jeder Für Sich Und Gott Gegen Alle
Label: Debello Recordings, Lacrymal Records
Year: 2010

01. Orphans
02. Echo MΔSS
03. Voleurs
04. Styx
05. Megalodon
06. The Great White
07. Prism
08. Vestiges
09. Se†h

Band: Selenites
Album: Animaltar
Label: Ruin Your Fun, Maximum Douglas Records, Moment Of Collapse Records
Year: 2012

01. I Am The One
02. Tuée Par La Dernière...
03. Du Lebst
04. A Landscape Called Hope
05. And Mirage
06. Ich Hasse
07. Des Pluies De Griffes
08. Who Can Live Forever

Selenites is a band from Toulouse in the south of France. It all started in 2009 when they all met up in order to kick some asses and have a good time playing together. The five frenchies recorded their first album during fall 2009 and it was released in April 2010 on Debello Records (RIP) in the USA and on Lacrymal Recordings in Europe. « Jeder für sich und Gott gegen alle » is it’s name and it’s a boiling mixture of chaos, atmospheric, hardcore and metal music. They really wanted it heavy !

After touring in France, Belgium and Germany they finally got to record their new album in February 2011. The sound is bigger and heavier and the style may be a bit less chaotic hardcore and really more atmospheric and louder metal.

Monday, May 14, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Burweed - Eyes Down South EP

Band: Burweed
Album: Eyes Down South EP
Label: Haminian Sounds
Year: 2012

01. Less To Come
02. Northern Discipline
03. Fever
04. Eyes Down South
Streaming Soundcloud | Spotify

The area of Karhula in South-East Finland is the origin of numerous metal acts such as Omnium Gatherum, Total Devastation, Domination Black, and Demonic Death Judge just to name a few. Musically, however, Burweed dives in the murkier waters introducing a thick atmosphere, a sense of ever-present danger, and ocean-sized melodies to the genre of alternative metal: their brand new EP “Eyes Down South” is a strong display of this.

The first foundations of Burweed were cast in 2008 when Toni and Eetu began to experiment with post-metalish soundscapes in the legacy of bands such as Neurosis and Callisto. In 2009 the line-up was reinforced with Lauri on drums and a bit later with Sakari Salonen on guitar. Soon the recordings of the self-titled debut EP were on the way. “Burweed”-EP was released in April 2010 and it was immediately recognized by listeners and received gratifying reviews in media. The sound of the EP was described as sad, atmospheric and crushing; yet with glimpses of hope here and there.

After touring in support of their self-titled debut, Burweed has been trimmed into a three-piece band as guitarist Sakari left the band. The new release “Eyes Down South” will mark the first live shows of this new line-up. Working as a trio opened up completely new approaches to songwriting. By writing new material with the trio base in mind, the songs became more versatile, coarse, and, surprisingly, more melodic. It also gave space to more adventurous arrangements, giving more room for each band member to perform. With “Eyes Down South” Burweed has truly found its own voice.

Friday, May 11, 2012 0 Engineers

Album: X Suns - X Suns

Band: X Suns
Album: X Suns
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. In Irons
02. Pillars For Palaces
03. To The Bottom Of The Sea
04. North Of July
05. Lion Cave

Keith, Adam, and Trent have played music together off and on for awhile in various bands and side projects. They wrote some songs around the start of 2009, and started playing them live at the start of 2010 under the name Ten Suns. After doing a handful of home recordings, they recorded a self-titled 5 song E.P. with Justin Armstrong at Electrokitty Studios, early in Oct. 2011. Rick Fisher at RFI mastered it. After changing their name to X Suns (X as the roman numeral for ten), they continued to play lots of local shows.

More recently, Skippy Tim King of the now deceased Seattle band Patrol has joined as their second guitar player. They are currently working on new music, have plans to do a small west coast tour before the summer of 2012 is over, and hopefully enter the studio to record a debut full-length record soon after.

"X Suns (pronounced Ten Suns) is instrumental heavy rock and roll at it’s finest. Prepare yourself for a nonstop epic ride through dense guitar layers and head-rattling drums. Also their lights are probably some of the best I’ve seen from a local band, so grab some psychedelics before you show up. At the Josephine you can catch the epic lights and sounds of X Suns, easily one of the most badass bands coming out of Seattle right now."

Friday, May 11, 2012 0 Engineers

Album: Helios - Moiety

Band: Helios
Album: Moiety
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Nothing It Can
02. Your Zenith
03. In Everything Was Given
04. Nature People
05. Bold Advances
06. Equal Ourselves
07. Ours Everyday
08. Ideals Or Hopes

Keith Kenniff is a Portland-based ambient indie electronic artist who works under the monikers Helios and Goldmund. He is also half of the shoegaze band Mint Julep, and children’s band Meadows along with his wife Hollie Kenniff. In 2010 he began the record label Unseen.

Keith Kenniff started playing drums, guitar and bass at a very young age. His musical journey took him to the prestigious Berklee College of Music, where he graduated with honors in 2006 with a B.A. in percussion and composition. In 2004 ‘Unomia’, Keith’s first album under the moniker Helios, was released followed by the critically acclaimed album ‘Eingya’ in 2006. His third album ‘Caesura’ was released in 2008.

Keith also records and performs music for solo piano under the name Goldmund for which he has six releases on Unseen, Type Records and Western Vinyl, including the most recent album ‘Famous Places’. Keith has toured and performed extensively throughout the US, Europe, Japan and Canada.

Keith has an indie rock/shoegaze band with his wife called Mint Julep. The band will release their first full-length album, “Save Your Season” in 2011. In September 2010 they began another project of children’s music called Meadows. They plan to release a full-length album, “The Littlest Star”, in 2011.

Keith Kenniff’s music has been featured on programs for NPR, the BBC, and can be heard in a number of documentaries and films, including celebrated indie filmmaker Harmony Korine’s film ‘Mister Lonely’ and a trailer for the 2009 film “Revolutionary Road” by Academy Award winning director Sam Mendes. Keith has also composes music for commercials and web advertising for clients such as Honda, MTV, Doctors Without Borders, Canon, T Mobile, American Express, Audi, Levi’s, AEG, Vinamilk, and Christie’s.

Friday, May 11, 2012 0 Engineers

Album: Hypomanie - Calm Down, You Weren't Set On Fire

Band: Hypomanie
Album: Calm Down, You Weren't Set On Fire
Label: Valse Sinistre Productions
Year: 2012

01. 19 Stars And The Sweet Smell Of Cinnamon
02. Alissa Loves Perfume
03. If Only The Seas Were Merciful
04. Lullabye For Ian
05. Pale Blue
06. You Never Listened To The Birds

Hypomanie was founded in Arnhem, Netherlands as a black metal project and stayed so for the first three releases. With the release of the self-titled EP, a more post-punk orientated sound was used, mixed together with the vocals from his earlier work. After, Selwin decided to leave black metal and began to play an instrumental shoegaze style, with some slight post-black metal influences.

Wednesday, May 09, 2012 1 Engineers

EP: Atlantis - Le Petite Mort

Band: Atlantis
Album: Le Petit Mort EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Les Petites Morts
02. Everest
03. Breathe Slowly
04. Esther (vocals by Johannes Persson)

Gilson Heitinga started Atlantis in the summer of 2006 as a one man project combining soundscapes, metal, doom, noise, electronica and rock into the first release 'Carpe Omnium' through Field-Records from the UK.
Now with a live band and six years and three critically acclaimed releases later Atlantis is ready for it's new chapter the ''La Petite Mort EP"!

Wednesday, May 09, 2012 0 Engineers

Video: Sleep Maps - Last Future

Tuesday, May 08, 2012 0 Engineers

Video: Explosions In The Sky - Postcard From 1952

Monday, May 07, 2012 0 Engineers

Album: There Will Be Blood - Wherever You Go

Band: There Will Be Blood
Album: Wherever You Go
Label: Ghost Records
Year: 2012

01. Coyote
02. White Walls
03. Death Letter
04. The Blood
05. Stomp Or Fall
06. The Story Of A Woman Who Kisses Only Once
07. River Flowing
08. Circus Of Truth
09. The Faith
10. Black Rain

There Will Be Blood is an Italian trio band that plays southern blues rock.

Official Site
Saturday, May 05, 2012 5 Engineers

Video: 잠비나이(Jambinai) - 소멸의 시간(Time Of extinction)

Friday, May 04, 2012 0 Engineers

Band: The March

Band: The March
Album: Dead Ends And Blind Spots
Label: Self Released
Year: 2009

01. Find Some Rest
02. The Yellow Leaf Has Fallen
03. Ancient Seed
04. Monsters We've Created
05. A Last Breath

Band: The March
Album: Crawl Space
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Carried Away
02. Nate Williams
03. Two Nights
04. Blood Stained
05. The Dyed Wall

The March is a french post-hardcore/metal band. There is no further information.
Thursday, May 03, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Ilydæn - Exordium

Band: Ilydæn
Album: Exordium EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2010

01. Perspectives
02. Wandering Slowly ...
03. ... With Sharpened Seax
04. We Are Benevolent

Ilydæn [ilidɛn] has been playing since mid-November 2009.They are working ever since.In September 2010, they wrote their first EP, Exordium, at the "Ferme du Biéreau", in Louvain-La-Neuve (BEL). They're perpetually seeking for gigs, time and projects.

Official Site
Thursday, May 03, 2012 1 Engineers

Album: Thula Borah - Live Secretly

Band: Thula Borah
Album: Live Secretly
Label: Self Released
Year: 2012

01. Organic Paranoia
02. Skye Falling
03. Murder
04. (Null Interface)
05. Violence Is Forever

In April 2010 Thula Borah released their first self-financed album, Mind River Matter, which was recorded by Andy Miller at Gargleblast Studios, Hamilton.

The bands sound is probably best described as a mix of ‘post’ and ‘alternative’ rock imbued with some ambient and acoustic textures.

They have received airplay in as diverse places as BBC Radio One and Four, Radio North Angus, Heartland FM, Subcity and Amazing Radio.

Channel 4’s ‘Planet of Sound’ music service said their song Dirty Injection “jangles like pre-Screamadelica Primals, with a churning Ride undertow and none-more-Delgados vocals. Despite those alternative influences, it’s done with a lightness that would make it ideal for daytime radio too”.

Scottish music website Dead Earnest described their music as exuding a “haunting, hypnotic, exotic and feel-good atmosphere... a band that’s seriously promising and deserves to be heard by many”. Amazing Radio’s Charlie Ashcroft describes Thula Borah as “Slow-burning rock beauty.”

By July 2010 the band had caught the interest of award winning design Studio ‘Traffic’ who are now designing all material for the band.

Thursday, May 03, 2012 0 Engineers

Album: Terraformer - The Sea Shaper

Band: Terraformer
Album: The Sea Shaper
Label: Dunk! Records
Year: 2012

01. Ahab
02. Nereid
03. Mers
04. Whale
05. Pieuvre Méduse
06. Dear Captain
07. Cross Bearing
08. Trail Of Lena
09. R'lyeh
10. Dragon Poulpe
11. Anacharsis
12. Glassy Sea, Sinking Ship

Terraformer is 3 pieces instrumental rock/metal band from Belgium with (ex)members of Isaïah, The derrick show and Bliss.

"Three pieces. Instrumental. Oh My God Climax. Almost shredding. Wild samples. Fake polyrythms. Cheesy layers. Rash looping. Evil patterns. Semi mosh. Catchy tapping. Messy. Sexy lads. Br00tal! Barefaced. Mickey. Emergency. Booby hatch. Ham rotten. Homeric. Ethereal. Celurean. Dragon. Terrestrial. Epic." -

Official Site
Buy @ Bandcamp | Dunk! Records | Email
Thursday, May 03, 2012 0 Engineers

Video: Marriages - White Shape (Violitionist Sessions)

Wednesday, May 02, 2012 0 Engineers

Band: Poplar Street

Band: Poplar Street
Album: Survive EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2011

01. Make You Disappear
02. Leave It All Behind
03. Survive

Band: Poplar Street
Album: Leave It All Behind EP
Label: Self Released
Year: 2011

01. All I've Done
02. The Netherlands
03. You're Right, You're Wrong
04. Watching And Waiting

Brought together in the winter of 2010, Poplar Street is a young and fresh band from Halifax, NS, that combines musical elements of introspective post-rock with the intensively enjoyable energy of contemporary Canadian rock, yet, all the while, remaining catchy and distinct.

Alex Arsenault - drums
Mike Fong - guitars/vocals
Michael Delano - vocals/guitars
Brenden Janes - keyboards/bass/saxophone

Tuesday, May 01, 2012 0 Engineers

EP: Co-Pilot & Alaskan - 12'' Split

Band: Co-Pilot & Alaskan
Album: 12'' Split
Label: The Treaty Oak Collective
Year: 2012

01. Co-Pilot - The Bering Sea
02. Alaskan - Euthanize

Co-Pilot hammers out turbulent, furious noise and layered, instrumental epics that unfold in movements instead of a traditional song structure. Over a mountain of thundering bass and drums, the guitars alternately contrast gentle, delay-drenched melodies with tidal waves of distortion and feedback as if they were trying to be the quietest and loudest band in the world simultaneously.

Alaskan is an Atmospheric Post-Metal band from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Featuring members of The Vanishing Act, Malvo, Whale Cry, Elephantoms, Motivator & The Wishlist.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012 0 Engineers

Video: Falling Down IIV Compilation - Final Trailer

This is the trailer of the new Falling Down Compilation which contains unreleased tracks from 20 bands. The compilation is now released and you can order it here.

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