Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Inquisition: 018.Almeeva

1. How did you came up with the name of the project?

I wanted a name that would sound mystical, indian and feminine at the same time. No reason in particular, I just wanted to capture that mood. So I just dribbled some word combinations on paper, and my favorite one was "Almeeva". Turns out it's a real name in some countries of the world. One time, a friend of mine said it sounded like a skin-cream brand : I have to admit he's right, haha.

2. Do you have a standard procedure of creating a song? Do you just jam around or is there a main riff and the track is build up on it?

I used to have some kind of formula for the 2 first EP's, which was improvising over a simple loop, keeping the best bits and building a track with these pieces. But now I have just one simple rule : everything can become anything, as long as it sounds good / better. It's a much longer process, but the results are far more interesting, because you can surprise yourself. A track like "Soviet Superstructures" has 5 different versions, and there's no way you can recognize version 1 in version 5.

3. What are your influences and what kind of music do you hear when you are at home?

I try not to think of "influences", because there's no point in imitating. What I try to do is capture things I "receive" from life in general, and make songs out of it. It can be really simple things, or complex contradictions. As long as it speaks to me, I will try to make something out of it.
But I listen to a LOT of different stuff, and I guess that diversity also inspires me. Right now I'm keen on Childish Gambino, FKA Twigs, Daniel Avery, Sia, Downliners Sekt, Jon Hopkins, Kanye West and Phil Collins (without any form of irony).

4. Which is the one album you can't live without?

This will definitely change at some point, but right now I'd say "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix" by Phoenix.
Still discovering new things about this record 5 years after it's release. It's a masterpiece in so many ways, and it carries an ideal : that music can be equally about pleasure and artistic vision, still appeal to masses and change the world.

5. What's the first record you've ever bought ?

Not 100% sure, but probably Genesis "And Then They Were Three". Or another Genesis album. It's a Genesis record anyway.

6. Name a band that you would like to share the stage or tour with ?

Mount Kimbie : they're the best live electronic act I've ever seen. They're everything a live electronic band should be.

7. Did the internet and specially the blogs helped to spread your music around the world? Name a place (country) that you were surprised to know your music has reached to?

Of course. There's actually no alternative for people like me right now. It's always a great surprise to see people from far away connecting with your music. Although it's hard to know if it's a real signal of something happening over there, or just a small group of people. The net tend to overgrow theses things, we all get too excited compared to real life. One time I had a tape order from Japan. I thought "well, that guy must be REALLY into it to take a chance on the french postal service !"

8. Do you support the idea of bandcamp where fans can decide the price or services like spotify?

I only had good experiences with the "pay-what-you-want" method, so yes totally.
What matters to me in the first place is to get my music heard. I know I'm not gonna get millions out of it, so I prefer to gain more listeners than money.

9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I hope I'll still be alive and making music, and having more time to do it.

10. Is the artwork of an album important nowadays in the digital era?

I don't know if it's as important as before, but it still remains crucial all the ways. This is what listeners are going to have in mind when they listen to your tracks, so better lead them in the right direction, your direction.

11. What is you favorite album cover?

Hard to pick one… I really like "Ignoto" by Yourcodenameis:milo. It has this great strange atmosphere, where your can pick many signs and symbols. It messes a lot with your mind. Esthetically, it's a very straight-forward and sharp photography, which makes it timeless.

It could have been an old Pink Floyd record, or it could be the new indie band of the moment.

12. It seems that a lot of people are turning on vinyl again. Why do you think that is and which is your preferable media format?

I think one of the reasons people are buying vinyl again is owning something big enough to feel "real" in your hands. It makes records more "valuable", like an artifact. CD is too small to feel that way, so why not take the bigger size ? Sound quality also comes in the equation, but I honestly think most people don't get to hear the difference, because not everyone has a decent sound system at home.
To me, the format depends on the use : I'll buy some records on vinyl, because I know I'll be able to share them with friends at parties ; I'll buy some other records on digital, because I want to listen to them on my own, on all my devices. It's a combination of the 2 for me, depending on the music involved.

13. What's the most vivid story or moment as a band?

Playing with Bernard Szajner and YRO at Workshop Infiné 2013, at La Carrière du Normandoux.
It was a mix of intense focus, and intense attention from the audience, blended in a dream landscape.

Almeeva recently released their new EP "Anamorphic" on Infine Music.

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